Jeg begynte min yogareise som student i 8 år på Solstice Yoga Center i Mexico. Der fullførte jeg så min første 300 timers yogalærerutdanning i 2008. Nøkkelord: Critical Alignment, anatomi, Iyengar, vinyasa, yoga terapi, yoga filosofi, pranayama.
Yess Yoga ble grunnlagt i 2008.
I 2009 gjorde jeg en 40-timers intensiv kinesologi yogalærertrening med Susi Hately som dekket dyptgående disse emnene: Forebygging av skader i yoga, terapeutisk yoga for hofter, SI-ledd og knær, terapeutisk yoga for skuldre og nakke, styrke og stabilitet av bekkenbunnen, «Yoga Thrive»: Yoga for kreft-overlevende og «The Art of Slowing Down».
Samme år tok jeg lærerutdannelsen Critical Alignment® med Gert Van Leeuwen. Jeg er fortsatt den eneste sertifiserte CAT®-trener i Norge. Critical Alignment® yoga er Iyengar-basert, og det primære målet er å mobilisere og justere ryggraden. Vi bruker spesielle yogaprops. Denne yogastilen er ideelt for de med ryggsmerter eller andre stressrelaterte skader, men fordelaktig for absolutt alle, og det er et flott verktøy for å forstå og utdype yogapraksisen.
I 2018 tok jeg en videreutdannelse med YogaDetour der vi lærte om biomekanikk og funksjonell bevegelse og hvordan integrere dette i yogapraksisen. Disse 3 studiene definerer min undervisningsteori.
Herfra var veien klar. Jeg ville og måtte dykke dypere inn i anatomi og fysiologi. Via Yogadetour fant jeg Drew Hume, full av kunnskap og med en unik måte å formidle dette kompiserte tema. Han har bachelor i humanbiologi, biologi, biokjemi, anatomi, fysiologi, kjemi,, ernæring og patobiologi og driver sitt yoga terapi studio NAVINA i Costa Rica. Med ham har jeg tatt introduksjonskurs i Anatomi og fysiologi samt fordypningskurs i skulderens anatomi og fysiologi.
Mine klasser er basert på disse studiene, og jeg vil beskrive klassene mine som «Terapeutisk yoga i bevegelse, undervist trygt, med smil og kjærlighet». Jeg er i en konstant læringsprosess - og mine beste lærere er mine studenter.
Jeg underviser på engelsk, spansk og norsk.
Jeg underviser hatha yoga, terapeutisk yoga, yoga for bedre bevegelse, yoga for personer med skader, yoga for idrettsutøvere, yoga for spesielle behov og mindful flow – alle nivåer.
Jeg gir workshops og kurs og har mange private studenter med forskjellige problemer: Alle typer nakke-/ skulder / hofte-/ rygg-/ knesmerter, utmattelse, depresjon, migrene, etter fødselen rehabilitering, etter alvorlig sykdom rehabilitering: f.eks. hodeskader, hjerneslag og kreft samt studenter som vil utdype yogapraksisen sin.
Jeg er en Expeienced Registered Yoga Teacher E-RYT 500 og YACEP (Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Provider) med mer enn 3000 undervisningstimer.
Jeg fortsetter kontinuerlig min yogareise og studerer med lærere som inspirerer meg og selv gir jeg workshops både her i Norge, på reise og på Pura Yoga Studio i Mexico.
«I have been studying with Kine for six years during winters in Zipolite. One always must arrive to Kine’s classes early to find a spot. Students of all levels throng to her classes because her approach to yoga somehow leads each student to feel seen and embraced. She intuitively knows what each student needs and how to modify a posture so it works. I am blessed to have found Kine, and my well-being and joy grows with every class.»
«Kine has this unique quality for a yoga teacher, she is very aware of the body and takes great care in proposing postures and guiding you through. After two weeks of daily classes, my shoulders had open up and all my body was feeling great. I love her therapeutical approach to yoga.»
She is very generous to share her knowledge. I love Kine! She is very charming and lively. She always brings the best out of everyone! Her classes are diversified, they can be e yet demanding, and I feel so relax after each class.»
«After my breast cancer treatments, Kine offered me some special exercises - her 7 weeks `Yoga Thrive Program` - to help the healing process and to stretch and relaxed the injured muscles. Thanks so much Kine!»
«Thank you for your wonderful yoga classes, Kine - everything you have learned and which you are continuing to teach us. The medical or functional way you have for yoga gives me the best benefit of all the yoga lessons I attend. First of all, I get painless after your classes. I get upright and tall (at least) 10 cm longer the rest of that day. All your tips are gold worth to me, and the understanding you have for bodies being different, your ability to see what's best for me, I find unique. I think everything is both simple and strong. Your klasses give me the belief that yoga can make you `Strong, steady & calm`. You make it easy, functional yet strong and complete without ´fuzz´. Could wish all yoga classes were like yours!»
«I have been a fellow teacher and student of Kine's for 7 years. Kine's teaching is dedicated to assisting students in feeling good in their bodies. She has a unique understanding of how to work out kinks and bad habits and actually guide students to create better postural and alignment habits. Kine teaches with a focused perspective. She guides students through complete practices often leading us to consider movements in a new light.
The most amazing thing about Kine's teaching is that it is always growing. She is avid for new information and constantly learning from other teachers and experts in the fields of movement and anatomy. As a fellow teacher, I am truly grateful for the knowledge she generously shares. Being in Kine's orbit has bettered my practice and teaching.
Kine has a big heart and a lot of empathy for her students. Her genuine love of yoga and desire to share with students and teachers are crystal clear in her classes and continuing education workshops for teachers. You will be lucky to learn with her.»
«As a student, I always enjoy Kine’s classes. Her attention to individuals in her extremely popular classes makes me feel special. She’s incredibly knowledgeable about the possibilities and challenges in our bodies and adapts each of the postures for everyone in the room. Her classes are creative and fulfilling. You leave with a sense of having worked your body and having created a calmness in your mind. As a fellow teacher, however, she shines for me. I have taken several workshops with Kine, and have taken my teaching to a new level. With a sense of humour and a keen attention to detail, she presents material that is scientifically-based and cutting-edge. She has an impressive ability to bring our centuries old practice into the realities of twenty-first century living. In a word, Kine inspires me to be a better teacher.»
«I cannot recommend Kine’s yoga class highly enough. As we should all be, I’m rather picky about my yoga instructors. I have found some classes to be tedious, intimidating, difficult to follow or too pop yoga-ish. Not so with Kine’s classes!
Her classes are warm and inviting. Attention is given to each person and their needs. Her knowledge of yoga postures and creativity enables me to experiment while feeling safe. Classes are well planned and her instructions clear...there is humour too! She has contributed a great deal in helping me with my yoga practice.»
«I have taken Kine’s yoga classes for a few years in Mexico, and I would say she is one of the best – you have to arrive early as her classes are always full! She is so knowledgeable and makes her classes fun yet challenging; offering guidance without being pushy and always a smile with praise! Every class is based on a different part of the body and are meticulously planned and explained so well you could do it with your eyes closed, if you so desired!
I took the teachers training in 2008 with Brigitte Longueville and teach it in England. I continue to learn with Kine, who is so generous with sharing her knowledge along with helping me as a teacher. I am so looking forward to returning to Mexico and participating and learning from her. I cannot recommend her highly enough!»
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